Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Smoking and Breast Health

All women want to have the best looking breasts they can possibly have and many even want an increase in breast size. They want them to be firm, perky, and droop and wrinkle free. This is one very good reason to never start smoking. Smoking is very harmful to all parts of the body, and although it is not spoken about very often, smoking does affect a woman’s breasts.

Many of the chemicals in cigarettes damage the proteins collagen and elastin in the skin. This is not something that is good for breasts. Breasts rely on these two things to keep their shape and their lift. As collagen and elastin go out the door, breasts start to droop. Even being around secondhand smoke can degrade the levels of these important skin features. Not only will breasts and the rest of the skin start to become saggy it will also become wrinkled.

Researchers have discovered that smoking is one of the top causes for sagging breasts. Women would hope it would be time, but as most women will start smoking in their teens this leads to a premature development of saggy breasts.

Smokers are also more susceptible to age spots. Anyone can get age spots with the sun’s help, but they are more prominent on those who smoke. What woman does not love these wonderful spots on and around her breasts?

Sun spots are not the only skin problem smokers have to worry about. Those who do are at a higher risk for developing psoriasis. This causes thick-scaly patches on the skin. It is not that common to appear on the front of the torso, but why take the chance to have breasts look like this.

Women smokers who breastfeed are helping and hurting their baby at the same time. For one, if they do not plan to stop smoking breastfeeding is the best way to keep their baby healthy around all of the smoke. However, moms who breastfeed with cigarette milk can cause their baby to vomit, have diarrhea, abdominal cramps, and become nauseated.

Smoking will also cause a breastfeeding baby to wean earlier. The mother will also have lower milk production and prolactin levels. It also causes lower levels of iodine in the mother’s milk, which is needed for helping the baby’s thyroid function.

Cigarette smoke is a cause of one-third of cancer diagnosis. It is still unclear if breast cancer is related to cigarette smoke, but more studies are being conducted every day. Also, women who smoke still have a two to four times increased risk of developing breast cancer over women who do not smoke.

Women smokers should avoid breast augmentations if they do not plan to quit or postpone a while before and after surgery. A smoker who has a breast lift performed stands a strong chance of having her nipples shrivel up and fall off. This is because the carbon monoxide and nicotine that is in cigarettes diminishes the blood flow in the body. These chemicals make the veins and capillaries that are needed to deliver a strong blood flow during and after surgery shrivel up.

Even being around someone that smokes can make a woman’s skin scream. If she does not smoke but has to constantly be around someone that does, it can still make an impact on her breasts and the rest of her body. Any woman that has to deal with this should inform the smoker that she likes her breasts just the way they are.

Smoking causes premature aging. It is that simple it dries up people from the inside out. Those who smoke shut off oxygen and proper blood flow to the important parts of their body. This ages the body in just about every area, including the breasts, quickly. Smokers in their 40s who have smoked for the majority of their lives will for the majority of the time appear 10-20 years older. Women who hope to keep their breasts looking youthful or increase breast size do not stand a chance if they are smokers.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

How To Increase Breast Size Using 10 Breast Enhancement Herbs

It is only natural for women to care about the size of their breasts. Having large breasts is a way to make women feel sexy and feminine. That being said, most women do seek out how to increase their breast size. The most common way that women go about this today is through having breast enlargement procedures; however, this can be a problem for women with health issues, or those who cannot afford it. Fortunately, there are natural and organic herbs that can significantly increase the size of a woman’s breasts. Here are ten known to be great for breast enhancements. 

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1. Fenugreek
Fenugreek is a very effective herb for helping to increase breast size. It is a completely organic herb that has paid its dues when it comes to helping to increase the size of women’s breasts. It naturally works to stimulate the mammary glands, which will respond by encouraging breast tissue to grow faster and expand. 

2. Fennel
Fennel is believed to increase the production of estrogen, a substance known to increase tissue growth in breasts. It triggers an increase in digestive enzymes, which will not only aid in breast growth but also increase the metabolism. This herb is not recommended for use by pregnant women.

3. Dong Quai
Also known as Tang Kuei, this herb was traditionally used to help with menstrual symptoms. It is now commonly found in breast enhancement pills in China. This herb is also not recommended for pregnant women as it may cause deformities to an unborn child.

4. Blessed Thistle
This herb is used to increase breast size after the birth of a child. It also helps with lactation, and has also been used to cure many diseases such as liver ailments and digestive problems.

5. Dandelion
Dandelion is known to enhance the amount of lactic acid in the body, which is beneficial particularly to breastfeeding mothers. It is commonly found on ornamental flowers and carries great medicinal properties. Besides breast enhancement, it is also known to treat other ailments such as anxiety, blood infection, and indigestion.

6. Kelp
Kelp is basically seaweed, and it works to give impressive breast enhancement results. It does this because it contains high concentrations of iodine, which is instrumental in increasing breast firmness. It is a natural herb that does not carry any negative effects, and has also been known to treat a number of diseases. 

7. Saw Palmetto
This is another effective herb that women have turned to in their quest to attain full and firm breasts. It has no side effects attached to it and is suitable for women seeking to improve their bust size. Women who use this drug twice a day report breasts that feel firmer and fuller. Even better results have been seen when this herb is mixed with others that contain diosgenin. Impressive results are typically seen within one and two months.

8. Red Clover
This herb is believed to be the only herb in the world that contains extraordinary amounts of isoflavones – a water-based plant substance that behaves like estrogens when absorbed in the body. Estrogen of course is instrumental in increasing the production of breast tissue. While it increases the size of your breasts, it also makes them a lot fuller and firmer.

9. Watercress
This herb is an important one that has been singled out in history for being effective in breast enhancement. It contains a large amount of iodine that helps to increase the metabolism rate. It is a type of leaf that grows under the water, and is one of the first plants consumed by humans. It is now also believed to be a strong fighter of lung and breast cancer.

10. Wild Yam
Wild yam extracts can be a perfect alternative to help add fullness and firmness to your breasts. Results, however, are dependent largely on each woman’s hormone levels. It contains diosgnenin that can be turned into estrogen and dehydroepiandroesterone in a laboratory, and this is commonly used in breast enhancement pills.

If you are serious about learning how to increase your breast size, consider purchasing and using these herbs. Many women have tested these out and have been pleased with the results.

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Sunday, January 17, 2016

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

How To Make Your Breasts Bigger in 2016

Firm, large breasts are desired by women and admired by men. Women who are not happy with the size of their breasts may look for other ways to enhance the breasts size through various methods. There are many new things one can do to enhance both the size and the shape of their breasts.

How To Make Your Breasts Bigger in 2016?

Eat foods which contain estrogen

The hormone estrogen is responsible for enhancing the breasts size among other things. Although the body will naturally produce estrogen while you are going through the puberty stage and even until you’re 18 years old, there is no fault in eating foods and fruits that have estrogen in order to help your breasts grow bigger.

Some of the foods which are known to have high levels of estrogen include: Lentils & chickpeas; Lima & kidney bean; some dairy products like yogurt and cheese; Fenugreek seeds; certain spices like-sage, oreganoand clover; fruits-like apples, plums & cherries; Some vegetables like cucumbers, beets and carrots; and certain grains-like barley, wheat and rice.

Eat foods which contain phytoestrogen

The phytoestrogen normally comes in handy whenever the body has low estrogen levels. When phytoestrogen takes-over, it helps in increasing the breast size. Various studies have proved that phytoestrogen tablets increase the size of breast tissue in pre-menopausal women.

There are many delicious foods which contain it, some of which include: Nuts like chestnuts, pistachios, cashews and walnuts; beverages like green tea, red wine, white wine and black tea; fruits like raspberries, peaches and strawberries; green beans & winter squash.

Breast Actives review - best breast enhancement system in 2016


Strengthening the muscles which are under your breasts makes the breasts firmer and bigger. Press ups are an example of an exercise that will help in strengthening the muscles which are under the breasts.

Press-ups can be done almost anywhere without using any machines. They can be easily done up against a wall or on the floor. A set-of muscles which are called the “pectorals” lie under the breasts. Exercises which shape and tone these pectoral muscles (also abbreviated as, “pecs”) will givelift & perk to the breasts. Push-ups or press ups are a great exercise for the biceps and they’ll also strengthen the pectoral muscles which are located under the breasts.

Lift dumbbells

You can go to a gym and start working with a good spotter if you are new to the process. Lifting dumbbells is another good exercise which will help in strengthening the pectoral muscles. All you’ve to do is get some dumbbells which are heavy enough to have a good impact but not too heavy to cause strain. Get some which are around 7 to 12pounds.

Herbal remedies

There are some herbs which mimic the hormone estrogen and they can increase the breast size. Wild yam, Fenugreek and saw palmetto are some of the most common-supplements which are used to help in achieving this effect, and they’re considered safe. However, don’t start taking herbal supplements before you have consulted with a doctor or an alternative medical practitioner, more so if you are taking other medications.

Generally, doctors and alternative medical practitioners are most-likely to know about the various side effects or the possible dangerous interactions that may come with the use of herbal remedies combined with other medications. By introducing some extra hormone levels via or through the use of these natural herbs, non lactating women will experience natural breast enhancement.

Some herbs have phytoestrogenic-properties which trick the body to believing that some extra hormones have been produced. Fenugreek and Fennel are estrogenic herbs which introduce extra estrogen into the body. Seeds of Fenugreek may be used as spices. Fenugreek is usually used as one of the ingredients in curry. Fennel has some extra properties that stimulate milk production.

Avoid caffeine

If consumed in large amounts, caffeine is known to stunt body growth, preventing your body, including your breasts, from enlarging or growing.

Caffeine will speed up the metabolism of the body, thus burning much more fat, and fat is what most large breasts are mainly composed of. You should limit the daily in-take of caffeinated soft drinks, chocolate and coffee.

Breast massages

Massaging breasts is one easy way of stimulating blood circulation, which in turn promotes breast growth. You can lightly massage your breasts once or twice a day, and you should also consider buying a breast enhancing cream that is made of all natural ingredients. Combining massages and the use of enhancing creams will give you faster results, and will allow you achieve bigger breasts in just a short period of time.